Dave Pineau, BA, OT reg (MB)
Clinic Director & Occupational Therapist
My passion for functional training is a perfect match with my education and experience in Occupational Therapy.
I completed my Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation in Occupational Therapy in 2002. Even prior to starting in the program I knew that private practice was where I wanted to be.
With that in mind, I ended my school career with a placement at a local consulting company and was subsequently hired. I did it!! Shortly after, it was time for the next step and began my own consulting company called Integrated Therapy & Solutions, which ultimately morphed into where I continue today – United Therapies Rehabilitation Centre.
The idea of helping people attain their personal health goals related to improving their physical and mental health has always been a driving force. I have been performing assessments in the clinic(Rehabilitation, FCE), in their homes(ergonomic, activities of daily living), or their workplaces (ergonomic, physical demands) of our clients with the goal of helping them increase their ability to participate in all of the things they want to in life is for 20 years….hard to believe!!
It is incredibly rewarding to see someone thrive as a result of the work you have done. To do this work as a member of an incredibly talented, and fun team is priceless and I consider myself so unbelievably fortunate to be able to have that at United Therapies.
Teamwork has always been a passion. I can’t recall a time when I was not part of a hockey or baseball team from the age of 5 through to adulthood. Playing sports was always my outlet. Eventually my passion for team work evolved into the ultimate team - my family. Diane and I married in 2002 and are lucky enough to have 4 incredible kids, now ages 19, 17, 15, & 12. They have been a part of more teams than I can count and I have pretty much coached them all and still proud to do it.
Teamwork - the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.
I consider myself so fortunate to be a part of a fantastic work team at United as well as my team of 6 at home.